Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Taking stock

This is the week to Take Stock (thanks Pip Lincolne!)
This is the kind of thing I can do lying on the floor. Lovely.

Making : a Valentine's Day present for my husband
Cooking : frittata
Drinking : Earl Grey Tea
Reading: An Iron Rose
Wanting: a cool change
Looking: at a smoky Adelaide at dusk
Playing: with my children
Deciding: what to write in my next post
Wishing: I could get a new job
Enjoying: being together as a family
Waiting: for the weekend
Liking: the idea of making more things
Wondering: why the children still aren't asleep
Loving: my husband very much
Pondering: our future together and where we will be
Watching: Spies of Warsaw and The Sopranos
Hoping: that the rain will come tumbling down
Needing: a little square of chocolate
Smelling: hot stale air
Wearing: a nightie
Following: lots of student blogs
Feeling: tired, sweaty but crafty
Admiring: the lovely cushions I made for my son
Sorting: out the mess on the dining room table
Buying: a bangle
Giggling: at the conversation I can hear my children having downstairs
Feeling: like its been a long week
Snacking: nope
Coveting: lots of things!

Why not give it a go yourself?
